Rio Ohashi, who conveys beard culture from yoi town
Yorii Machi, Saitama Prefecture
In 1590, ujikuni Hojo, a local busho (Japanese military commander), who took the side of Hakata Jo castle at the time of the conquest of Odawara in Hideyoshi Toyotomi, was a famous town in which he fought against the 50000 Toyotomi forces led by toshiie Maeda and kagekatsu Maeda with an army of only 3500 soldiers for a month.
参考ウェブ資料(寄居町公式ホームページ) https://www.town.yorii.saitama.jp/soshiki/13/houjyoumaturi.html
I visited a shop of Masahiro Ohashi (Masa SAN), a member of the hige club who runs a barber shop in the town yesterday.
Ms. Masa has previously served as a representative of the Yorii Film Commission and said, "I want many people in yoi town." The activity of the movie and the drama, the cm, and the shooting place of the place is done with the people in the region with the same mind.
In fact, I was able to help you before, and I took the work of the wooden shed which was made by the road along the river.
Field work that has never been involved. In a word, it was fun! It was a fresh encounter.
The town where the famous movie and drama are located. The sound of the water of the river of the river of the clear source of Arakawa feels the mind cleaned.
Masa actually appears even in the extra.
Yesterday, it was a little time, but I asked the story of standing position as an extra.
HMM, deep ^ ^
Recently, a pamphlet called "Yorii" is released in the town, and there is a word of introduction of various shops and the idea of the shopkeeper.
It is fun to take up the town.
The advice of the shopkeeper of each specialty store is valuable.
Is it Universal Studio?
I always stop Chichibu Ya's shop
I love hormone and miso
How about a petit tour while watching the scenery of yoi town
Family can enjoy the weekend
Chichibu ya
Film Commission