Introduction of the hairdressing shop having you participate in モベンバーチャリティー
National hairdressing shop having you participate in モベンバーチャリティー together when it is always November.
I am really glad that I have you understand a purpose of モベンバー and can participate together for five years.
●With モベンバー, I featured the theme of "prostate cancer" "testicles cancer" and [mustache] which were the symbol only by a man performed in November for the purpose of the common knowledge of the mental health (mental health),
It is a global charity event to be able to be called "the pink ribbon" for man.
I could write 〉 as slang 〈 Mo 〉 which meant a mustache in 〈 November of November that was campaign moon interval and was named [Movember].
I am developing (2017) various charity campaigns including New Zealand U.K. Canada United States Ireland of the world in 21 countries now as well as Australia.
●It becomes well-known activity a donation of the fifth year in cooperation with the Australian headquarters in the mustache club / razor club in this year.
I perform donation activity or an event in a donation, common knowledge activity in barber's of the whole country and Irish pub of Tokyo, Yokohama this year.
I contribute the fund that I took from all of you to own country モベンバー and public interest Takamatsu shrine princess cancer research fund Foundation.
Of course the haircut is a hairdressing shop with the relation for mustache taking the tonsure deeply
The participation of all of you, always thank you heartily
Introduction of the hairdressing shop having you participate
[donation setting barber's]
・W’s Beauty Room (Hair & Nails)https://wsbeautyroom.jimdo.com/
・NEST hair & relaxhttp://www.nesthair.com/
・BARBER SHOP Takedahttp://barber1969.com/
・barber shintoko hair desighhttp://katusika-e-toko.com/shop/003-sintoko-ri/index.html
・B collectorhttp://b-collector.net/
・Barber Nagayamahttp://bb-naga.net/Barber_Nagayama/BARBER_NAGAYAMA.html
・BARBER SHOP 【 i : z 】http://ease0402.wixsite.com/iz-hp
・Ohashi barber shophttp://www.shokokai.or.jp/100/11/1140810015/index.htm
・Sakae dragon eaves hairdressing placehttps://www.iiranavi.net/shop/shop.shtml?s=558
・Hairdressing Shiroishi http://riyou-shiraishi.jp/
・Violet HAIRhttp://www.sumire-hair.com/
・hair resort BoumBoumhttp://boumboum-kasuga.jp/
・CUT HOUSE FELLOWShttp://fellows-style.com/index.html
・CARLO HAIRhttp://www.carlohair.com/
・Hair salon Eguchihttp://www.hs-eguchi.com/
・MEN’S HAIR SALON MIYAMOTOhttp://menshairsalon-miyamoto.jp/
・It becomes only the YOSHIKAWA BARBER RESORT name publication
・It becomes only the HAIR ATELIER KAJIWARA name publication
・It becomes only the hair salon Maruzen name publication